
Daddy had to go out of town for a big conference on Tuesday, and he won’t be back until Friday late afternoon. Taking care of three kids, especially with one being a newborn and on an every 2-3 hour eating schedule, is just wearing me out!! I cannot WAIT for him to come home tomorrow!! Today is going to be the worst day because they are both home from camp plus it is raining heavily outside.

Hannah is doing well. She has her spleen ultrasound and Doppler study Monday morning at 8:45 AM downtown. I think I have to leave the house at 7 AM to get there in time. Dr. B wants to do a followup weight check and blood work the next day, Tuesday, at 8:45 AM. She’s been eating between 2 to 3 ounces per feeding, sometimes 1.5 oz and sometimes a bit more than 3. However, she has been straining like she is constipated for the past couple of days, so I’m going to see about adding a bit more water into her formula — she hasn’t pooped in two days, which is NOT like her!

I’m LOVING having a newborn. It isn’t that I feel like I missed out with E and A, but this is just a new and exhausting experience with such a tiny little person. I’m really enjoying it! (Of course, I can’t wait for DH to come back so I can get some naps in!).

Little Girl A is doing okay. She has had “accidents” for the past couple of months, usually just pee, which we attributed to her anxiety about the baby. Unfortunately, they are still continuing. So I’m wondering if she actually has a medical issue like a UTI (but she isn’t complaining of pain) or something. It happened at camp on rare occasions, but it mostly happens at home. She just seems to get so preoccupied in what she is doing and just goes. I’ll have to talk to Dr. B about it when I see him for Hannah next week.

Mr. E is doing great with the new baby. Looking back, with his ADHD medication and all, he has done extremely well this summer controlling his ADHD. I mean, I can count the number of times on both hands that we have had any sort of blowup or “out of controlness.” Which, considering how it was almost daily before his new medication, is a HUGE improvement.

Both kids start school on Monday — thank goodness!!!! I cannot WAIT to get into a new routine. Mr. E is starting 2nd grade, and he found out his teacher yesterday. So far, we know that he has one friend in his class, a girl who lives over on the next street. Little Girl A starts pre-k, and she is so excited to go into the 4-year-old class. Since she already knows her teacher real well and since her “old class” is just down the hall, it should hopefully be an easy adjustment.

What I would give for a nap right now… 🙂