The Syringes

...and this is just her morning meds!

I remember a time before Hannah was hospitalized this summer that I was so proud that Hannah did not need that many medications.   She was just taking her Cerezyme (every two weeks), polyvisol (morning), Mylicon (three times a day), and Prevacid (twice a day).  The last three by bottle.  That was it!

Fast forward to today.

Hannah’s morning meds:

*  Keppra
*  Klonopin
*  Haldol
*  Motrin
*  Zyrtec
*  Polyvisol
*  Prevacid
*  Mylicon

At 2 pm, she gets Keppra, Klonopin, Haldol, and Mylicon.

At nighttime, she gets a repeat of all her morning meds except for the Polyvisol.

That is 19 syringes of medication into her g-tube every single day.  No wonder CVS Pharmacy loves us.