A day of positivity

Today was a good day.  A really good day.

We started our twice-a-week occupational therapy sessions this afternoon.  It was a really rough start because as soon as Hannah saw Pat, the OT, she broke into hysterics and didn’t want anything to do with therapy today.  But I didn’t give in to Hannah this week like I did last week (in which we left 15 minutes after we got there because of her tantrum), and within 20 minutes, we got her calmed down enough to work on feeding issues.

This week was a week of HUGE advancements eating wise.  Hannah started feeding herself Cheerios a few days ago.  Cheerios!  She fed herself Cheerios – this was just such a huge mountain in terms of her eating food. 

Today during OT, Pat brought out some goldfish, dried toddler fruit chunks, and some mushy raspberries.  She ATE them!  We were incredibly patient, especially with the raspberries, because the textures were so different and the tastes were so intense.  But she went for it.  She put them in her mouth!

Best of all, she ate ALL of it!  She has some difficulties with the goldfish, but nothing that practice wouldn’t solve.  She gummed everything.  Then spit it out.  Then put it back in her mouth.  Then spit it out.  Then picked it up again.  It was just awesome!!   This gives us so much hope that she will be eating more real food sooner than later! 

Especially since she has only two teeth still.   Even though she is still gumming the foods, can you imagine how much more control she would have with more teeth?!

But that wasn’t the only step forward we made today.  Just tonight, for the first time, we put Hannah in her crib at night awake (but exhausted), turned on her music, and let her fall asleep in her crib.  And she did!!  Usually she will wake herself up and throw a tantrum because we always would let her fall asleep cuddled up with me.  But I’ve been working hard on trying to get her to fall asleep on our bed either on Daddy or just lying on our bed. 

But she fell asleep in her own crib tonight.   Another step forward.

Can you see the huge smile on my face?


  1. Yeah! It sounds like today was a really positive day. congrats on getting her to ear the different textures, My kids still have issues with that. and double congrats on getting her to bed in her bed


  2. I can feel the smiles and the pride! Way to go Hannah!

  3. Pam Crawford says:

    Fantastic! My oldest daughter is 12 going on 13 and she STILL doesn’t sleep in her own bed on a regular basis. I know…who is the one with the problem… 🙂

  4. KarenandTess says:

    Yeah Hannah!

  5. Way to go Miss Hannah!!!!! I am very proud of you!!!!!!!!!!! Yea mama good for you too!!!!!!1

  6. heather says:

    woo hoo to everything! awesome Carrie. you are doing a wonderful job!!!!

  7. Yes, I can see the smile and it is contagious! I am so glad that she’s eating, experiencing and enjoying. Good for you, mom, for not giving in. I am proud of you both. Tell Hannah I said, “Good job, sweetie!”
    .-= Petula´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Reflection =-.


    The falling asleep transition is always hard. Luckily for you, it doesn’t seem like a big issue!
    .-= Alisha´s last blog ..So now for the post … =-.

  9. susan mcfeely says:

    WOW !! WAY TO GO HANNAH AND MOMMY ALSO!!! I’m just Smiling and grining from EAR TO EAR with this amazing acomplishment!!!!

    What a difference a day makes when things go the way you would like it to and KUDOS to you Carrie for sticking with it. You are such a STRONG person and I’m VERY PROUD to be your AUNT IN LAW!!!

    I know that I will NEVER COMPLAIN EVER AGAIN when my day does NOT go well!

    Keep STRONG, we love you , all of you!! Big HUGS to Hannah!