Hannah’s first Cerezyme infusion

My little girl is such a champ!  We got to the Infusion Center at 10:00 AM.  She had to get bloodwork drawn for baseline labs, and that took about an hour.  She had to go through three nurses and three IV attempts before she finally got her blood drawn and her IV set up for her infusion.   We had the Wiggles DVD going on (as we can bring DVDs for her), and it was a great diversion for her.

They originally needed 24 CCs of blood for this lab work, but the nurse who did the successful draw said “no way, she’s too little.”  Apparently there are guidelines about how much blood they can draw based on weight.  The chart said no more than 17 CCs, so 17 CCs it was.  Thank goodness this nurse had the foresight to know this (as the first two didn’t mention it when they were trying).

Once the IV was placed, the rest was easy.  Thank goodness Hannah had no reactions!  The infusion lasted over 2 hours, and then we had to wait 30 minutes afterwards just to make sure she was okay.  Hannah watched her Wiggles DVD for about 10 minutes, but they she got tired and fell asleep.  She slept through the entire infusion.  I actually had to wake her up during the 30-minute watch period because I wanted to make sure she ate while we were there, “just in case.”

While she was sleeping, I just sat there with her, stroking her hair, and listening to other families in the other beds.  There are about 8 beds and most of them were full.  I kept thinking about all these kids in there, and it was a reality check that there are so many other kids going through different things in life. 

Nursing inserting an IVPreinfusion LabworkHannah's CerezymeMommy and Hannah
Hannah during the infusion


  1. I am so glad things went so much better than anticipated. I absolutely love that last picture of Hannah. She is precious!

    Misti Dunlap’s last blog post..Brothers and Sisters

  2. she IS a champ. Good Job Hannah!

    Melissan’s last blog post..You Know You’re a Butch Mama When:

  3. Karen says:

    Yay for things going well today. The pictures of you and Hannah are great. 🙂

  4. OOOO I have tears in my eyes! I am so glad that her first infusion went well, except that it took so many attempts and starting the IV. If I remember correctly the max amount of blood they can draw in one day is calculated by 2cc’s per kilo or something like that. I ALWAYS ask how many cc’s they will be drawing because I know what Josslyn’s max is. Even though I trust the phlabotomists (sp?) at Childrens, I have to ask. I love that you took pictures of this experience, I too take pictures that normally a parent wouldn’t take (like of them being in pain). It’s for something for us as parents and them to look back on and say ‘wow, that is what I had to go through to get to where I am now’. She’s amazing!

  5. I’m so glad that things went well!

    I second what Lindsey said–it’s always, always a good thing to ask about how much blood they’re allowed to draw. Good for that nurse! Connor actually had to have a blood transfusion one time because they drew too much and made him anemic. Now I always ask.

    What an amazing smile Hannah has! She’s such a cutie!


    Connor’s Mom’s last blog post..These Are A Few of My Favorite Things….

  6. I’m so glad that things went well!

    I second what Lindsey said–it’s always, always a good thing to ask about how much blood they’re allowed to draw. Good for that nurse! Connor actually had to have a blood transfusion one time because they drew too much and made him anemic. Now I always ask.

    What an amazing smile Hannah has! She’s such a cutie!


    Connor’s Mom’s last blog post..These Are A Few of My Favorite Things….

  7. Hi Carrie.
    What is the address of your forum and is there somewhere where donations can go to?

    Harriet’s last blog post..I DECLARE FEBRUARY BLOG LUV MONTH

  8. How hard it must have been to hold her while they poked her, but then that face afterward is just too precious!

  9. So glad to hear that her infusion went well–she is such a little angel!

    Nicole’s last blog post..No I didn’t… Monday

  10. I am really happy to hear that things went well. Remember we were just “talking” about how strong she is? She’s so beautiful and I am really delighted to see her little smile. I got a little miffed about the other two nurses, but I am glad the third nurse was about to get it done AND give you information that’s very important to know. Maybe you can ask for her everytime! 🙂

    If I don’t get by anymore this week know that I am still sending positive thoughts your way and hoping that you, Hannah and the rest of the family have a very good week.

    Petula’s last blog post..On a high note

  11. What a fighting and happy spirit she has!

    Elizabeth’s last blog post..‘Til Later

  12. What a cutie pie! And, so brave. Brave mommy too! 🙂

    Emily A’s last blog post..Sparkling Dishes for CHEAP

  13. What a beautiful little princess!!

  14. I’m glad she did well with the treatment.

  15. Wow- what a beautiful happy baby she is! What a blessing that she has such a joyful spirit- certainly a testament to your family, Carrie. Thank God it all went well.

  16. Carrie:
    I am so glad you made it through the first infusion — I am glad you took pictures to show what is really happening when you go through something like this. Hannah is amazingly brave and so you you — stay strong!

    Chris Hempel’s last blog post..Dear Johnson & Johnson, do kids really matter to you?


  1. […] to me!Two weeks flew by — I feel like so much has happened since Hannah’s first Cerezyme enzyme replacement therapy infusion.   I hope the nurses can get the IV in on the first attempt this time!!    I’ll update […]