No results today, I guess.

Just got this email from Hannah’s genetics doctor’s research coordinator:

The general line at (the lab) just told me that the results are not available yet, so I contacted the Genetic Counselor on call and left a message.  I’ll let you know as soon as I hear from them. 

I take it that means no results today…

On a separate note, I went to get my blood pressure checked, and it is pretty stable, so we are continuing on the same dosage of BP medications that I was on for the past three months.


  1. heather says:

    really seems as though Hannah is a mystery! First the delays in the biopsy now this.

  2. Karen says:

    It is great to hear your BP is stable. 🙂

  3. Wow… it’s great news that your BP is stable, but it must be torture waiting and waiting on such important news. You are in our continued thoughts and prayers.


    Jenn W’s last blog post..Sylvan Workbooks Giveaway

  4. Good news on the BP front!! 🙂

    I’m sorry that they still don’t have the results 🙁 Hang in there!!

    Stephanie’s last blog post..Do You Twilight?

  5. Wonderful about the BP, I am still fighting with mine as I had high BP before I got PG and I can’t take the med that works perfect for me..

    Hope the news comes soon.

  6. Christi says:

    Geeezzz…no results yet? You poor thing. I can’t believe your blood pressure isn’t 200/120!!!