WishUponAHero.com — Making wishes come true

I came across this site this morning after a facebook friend posted it – http://www.wishuponahero.com

What I found was really fascinating.  This site was created after 9/11, and people can request wishes for anything from the simple to the big.  Other people can grant these wishes if they could help. 

Of course, the skeptic in me worries about fraud and scammers, but then I came across some wishes in the children’s health area, and I realized there are some of these that I could do (like sending some 4T summer clothes to a mom of a child with an illness I can’t remember because she doesn’t have money). 

Then I thought about the bigger picture.  What if the rare disease community and our supporters (like yourself) put together something like this.  I know so many families dealing with moderate-to-severe special needs that could use a little help — everything from a dinner out to clothes to just a stuffed animal for their child.  How wonderful would this be?

I tried to think of a wish for Hannah.  Unfortunately, the only thing I came up with can’t be granted by one person or is simple to grant.  I just want her to be healthy and to live a good life.  I wish someone could grant me this wish.


  1. heather says:

    I do too…and I will check out this site.

  2. Carrie-

    WishUponAHero is AWESOME! I have a brother, Gabe who is 15. He has Down syndrome and cannot ride a normal 2-wheeled bicycle. I went onto that site hoping for someone to be able to help me afford to buy an adult tricycle for him since he has never even had a bike that he was capable of riding. Guess what?! Someone donated the bike (new off showroom floor!) which was worth around $1400! Then had around 50 people donate money towards the $300 shipping fees. I couldn’t believe it!

    So, yes that site is incredible!

    Liz’s last blog post..Got Earrings Giveaway!

  3. The comments seem to be closed on the giveaway post – hope you don’t mind me popping over here instead. Just wanted to tell you I found this blog via a mito friend who posted it on Facebook, and have been touched. My prayers go to you and I’ve blogged about Hannah with a link to the video and subscribed to your feed also.

    Ricky Buchanan’s last blog post..Filling Our Worlds, Online