Five days and counting…

Hannah, just a few days old

Hannah, just a few days old - always smiling

I think after such a whirlwind week at the NIH, I feel like I have totally crashed since being home. 

Hannah has spent today completely attached to me.  No, I didn’t mind.  I realized as she fell asleep on me during the day that we haven’t had this type of day in a couple of months since Abigail was still in preschool back in early June.  I missed that quiet time with her.  Of course, I didn’t expect her to be so clingy though.  I think she must have been feeling the same way that I had been.  I actually ended up sleeping with her, cuddled on the couch, during her first nap today.

Right now, it is almost 10 pm, and it is past her bedtime.  For whatever reason, she is fighting sleep tonight big time.  She is so tired, but she is laying on daddy, giving me such a huge grin through her pacifier.

She turns ONE in just five short days.  My baby is almost ONE!


  1. That’s such an adorable baby picture of her. I am so excited that her birthday is coming soon. I can only imagine her sweet little face during the celebration. I’m glad you guys enjoyed some quiet time and rest together today. You both needed it. Now tell her I said it’s time to go “nite nite.” 🙂
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  2. I understand. Can’t wait to celebrate her big day with you all.