Four days and counting…”the video”

I’ve watched this video dozens of times.  I know many of you that have been joining us on this journey have seen it as well, most likely.

This was taken when Hannah was 4-1/2 months old, before we even had a diagnosis.   We have no idea what set her off, but she was laughing like this for over two minutes!

As I was watching it tonight to post on here, I realized that Hannah doesn’t laugh like this anymore.  It is not that she isn’t happy, it is just that she doesn’t have any more belly laughs like this anymore.  My guess it is related to the vocal cord paresis.  I’m glad that I have this video.  I’m just very sad that I may not hear this laugh from her again.


  1. I’ve watched that before and her laughing definitely gives me a chuckle. Such a sweet sound!
    .-= Petula´s last blog ..Relastin Eye Silk Update, neuLash eyelash technology – product reviews =-.

  2. Frankie says:

    Wow!! soooo cute!!!! You’ve got to love that laugh!

  3. Tracy says:

    I am sorry for all the times your heart gets hurt by those realizations, Carrie. Hannah is beautiful. We are praying and praying for her and your family.