Hannah’s Atrial Septal Defect

I have to bring a copy of the NIH’s echocardiogram to Dr. B, our pediatrician, today.  They have all the paperwork ready for the cardiology referral, but they are just waiting this to get it completed.

It is unlike me, but I haven’t even researched this since we found out about Hannah’s atrial septal defect

It is interesting because Dr. Eng, Hannah’s genetics doctor, and Dr. B. both had mentioned hearing a slight heart murmur, which according to everything I have read is one of the first “signs” of an ASD, which is why Dr. Eng wanted an echocardiogram last month.

It looks like many times it may heal on its own, but there are some times that cardiac catheterization is required. 

I look forward to hearing what Hannah’s new cardiologist has to say.


  1. heather says:

    let me know if you want any decoding or info from my dad – not that he speaks layman often but he could explain more if you need it.