
During these past few weeks, I feel like I have been on an emotional roller coaster, a journey of self-discovery and self-awakening which all seemed to hit me as we finally made it back home after two weeks of crazy travelling.

For the past year and a half, since I found out I was pregnant, I have felt somewhat disconnected from myself.  It all seemed to pile on top of each other – finding out I was pregnant at 9 weeks after 10+ years of infertility and multiple miscarriages and 4 IVfs among other things, developing pregnancy-induced hypertension at 28 weeks, and then strict bedrest at 29 weeks.  I spent all last summer in bed, only allowed to pick my kids up at camp and to come down for meals.  Then, the “we are doing it now” moment at 36w1d when my blood pressure was just too high, even on the mega doses of BP medications which made me so ill that I ended up sleeping almost 14 hours a day.  I remember asking my OBGYN, do I have time to pack some things?  He gave me 5 hours before I had to come back to the hospital.

Hannah’s entrance was effortless.  A 5-minute CSection without complications.  Apgars 8/9.  She took my breath away.  I remember seeing her for the first time when I was rolled into the recovery area, and I kept saying “Is she really mine?  Is this for real?”

We had about two days of bliss with our new baby girl until all hell broke loose, and things haven’t been the same since…

This past year has been such a whirlwind, almost a blur.  I would have never imagined that I would be thrown into this world

  • a world where my daughter’s life is being threatened before she even has a chance to “be” a child
  • a world where I would be emailing with researchers and doctors all over the world, trying to learn everything and anything I can about what Hannah’s body is doing to her and what can be done
  • a world where previous relationships are unknowingly tested and true colors of people are shown
  • a world where the death of a young child is, well, seen more often than a mom should have to experience
  • a world where new relationships are formed that are stronger, deeper, and more meaningful than many existing relationships because there is a unique bond, a bond of a child’s life being threatened or taken away

I could have never have imagined this life in my wildest dreams…yet, here I am.


  1. Kelly says:

    As much as I hate to see you go through the heartache that comes with this horrible disease, I know that your precious baby girl was born to the perfect mom for her! Looking back at the other paths you have taken in your life, could you have predicted those either? Probably not. Life seldom turns out as we imagine. I just pray that Hannah’s life turns out better than any of us can imagine!

  2. I’m here with you. And to me, you’re one of Grey’s gifts.

  3. Kelly is right. You and Robert were gifted with Hannah because God knew He could entrust her to you. I know what a difficult and scary road its been. But the journey’s not done. I think you are going to see a lot of amazing things happen. Hannah is already showing her inner warrior. Her mommy is am Amazon!

    Much love to all of you!!!

  4. I also agree with Kelly. Said everything I wanted to say, and has better words to do it. 🙂

    Happy birthday Hannah!
    .-= Alisha´s last blog ..I’m pretty Awesome … I’ll admit … =-.