When I’m with Hannah, and there aren’t other kids around (which is often), I forget or cast aside the fact that she has global developmental delays. She’s just Hannah.
But then I see her around other children, like at her birthday party, and I can see how delayed she really is and in so many different areas…physically, adaptive behavior, communication, cognition, etc. It gets hard to see sometimes.
I came across this checklist from the CDC called “Important Milestones by the end of the first year (12 months).” I put the ones that are a definite “yes” in gray, but the ones that are a “no” or “not yet” I left in black. There is too much black, which breaks my heart when you see it all at once.
Social and Emotional
- Shy or anxious with strangers – yes
- Cries when mother or father leaves – yes
- Enjoys imitating people in his play – no
- Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys – yes
- Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings – no
- Tests parental responses to his behavior – no
- May be fearful in some situations – yes
- Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others – yes
- Repeats sounds or gestures for attention – not really
- Finger-feeds himself – probably could, but with her sensory issues she doesn’t actually eat it
- Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed – yes
- Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping) – shaking and banging
- Finds hidden objects easily – no
- Looks at correct picture when the image is named – no
- Imitates gestures – no
- Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, listening to receiver) – no
- Language
- Pays increasing attention to speech – no
- Responds to simple verbal requests – no, except for “uppies” (meaning to be lifted up)
- Responds to “no” – no
- Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for “no” – no
- Babbles with inflection (changes in tone) – no, but she does babble a lot!
- Says “dada” and “mama” – no
- Uses exclamations, such as “Oh-oh!” – no
- Tries to imitate words – no
- Reaches sitting position without assistance – no
- Crawls forward on belly – just now working on the commando crawl
- Assumes hands-and-knees position – starting to get there, difficult with her hypotonia and loose knee ligaments
- Creeps on hands and knees – working on it
- Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position – yes, but not gracefully (kinda falls down)
- Pulls self up to stand – only when seated in a certain position
- Walks holding on to furniture – no
- Stands momentarily without support – no
- May walk two or three steps without support – no
Hand and Finger Skills
- Uses pincer grasp – just starting
- Bangs two objects together – yes
- Puts objects into container – no
- Takes objects out of container – yes
- Lets objects go voluntarily – yes
- Pokes with index finger – yes
- Tries to imitate scribbling – no
Developmental Health Watch (Hannah’s listed below): - Does not crawl
- Does not search for objects that are hidden while he or she watches
- Says no single words (“mama” or “dada”)
- Does not learn to use gestures, such as waving or shaking head
- Does not point to objects or pictures
I learned not to use those guidelines with Aaliyah, our children are much “different” as you know. Maybe they can’t/couldn’t do the things they were “suppose” to do at a certain age, but I strongly believe (and have seen time and time again through Aaliyah and others) they have an inner strength that is unsurpassed by any other and that is ONE of their special gifts, one of MANY! I think Aaliyah only said mama one time and it was not long before she passed away, but in hindsight Tim, myself, Evert and maybe even Jacen forget she couldn’t speak words because she expressed herself so many other ways, and she definitely got through….lol 🙂 Hannah may be delayed or to be brutally honest maybe she will not ever meet some of those milestones, BUT…..she, like other gaucher children, has such an enormous inner strength, as Evert used to refer to “super human strength” when he would talk about how strong Aaliyah was to people that is how he described her, Hannah’s the same way 🙂 I know she’s already shown you how strong she is, but just wait, she will wow you over and over…you’ll see
Sorry…I tried to leave a comment on the tooth post (Yeah for little teeth), but couldn’t get there for some reason.
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