Just another instance of Hannah capturing hearts…

Our developmental therapist, who we see each Friday afternoon, told us that she was changing jobs within ECI.  At first I was excited for her because this was something she wanted, but then it hit me that we would lose her as a therapist, as she would no longer be doing this anymore.

Before I even brought it up, she told me that she had talked to her supervisor earlier that morning and told her that she would only take the job as long as she could keep just one client (out of her 30+ clients).   Apparently this one client had totally captured her heart in a way that no other client had, and that she felt such a connection with that child and their family?

That one client?  Hannah and our family.

I was so excited to be keeping her and just so touched that she cared about Hannah so much as to hinge her job change on her.  Fortunately, her supervisor agreed, and we get to keep Jenny, our developmental therapist!

This video below was taken a couple of months ago with Jenny, before we left for the NIH.  You can see how hard my little miss Hannah works.  She gets so winded, so quickly, but she keeps going.  After looking at this video again, Hannah really has progressed quite a bit since then.  She is able to do a pseudo commando-crawl now for about 4 feet or so and even tries to get on her knees while she does it!

Her smile of accomplishment at the end of this video just embodies Hannah’s whole personality!


  1. KarenandTess says:

    Wow. That is cool. I’m glad the supervisor was agreeable. 🙂