Little Miss Navigator (video)

I can completely understand why the professionals see “scattered skills” in Hannah.  In some respects, she definitely acts a few months younger in terms of what she understands and what she does.  With the exception of saying “you want uppies?”, she never really seems to understand what we are asking of her and just smiles.  But after hundreds of “you want uppies?”, she finally does get excited and tries to lift her arms up so we can grab her.

Then she does some things that just seem so smart, so on track…like this.  When she started following us, I was just amazed…this requires physical skill and definitely thinking about how to turn around and maneuver smaller areas. 

To me, this is just amazing!  My little girl just amazes me sometimes.


  1. WOW!!!! Go Hannah! That is AMAZING!!! YAY! 🙂
    .-= Cristina´s last blog ..A bad time to get bad news =-.

  2. Kelly says:

    Fabulous!!!! Way to go, Hannah!


  1. […] then, every once in a while, she will spark with something just so “advanced” for her, like her walker.   That just blows us […]