Proof that Cerezyme is working!

Hannah had her fourth Gaucher marker bloodwork done a few weeks ago before her Cerezyme treatment.  We have been seeing definite improvement in her Gaucher biomarkers, and now that we are 9 months into Cerezyme treatments, I got the following email from her genetics doctor:

Gaucher monitoring results from Sept 2009 were good and improved from May 2009.  All three showed reduction from May (the trend we want to see) and two of three (angiotensin and chito) are now in normal range.  Since Hannah has shown good response with regard to these markers, we do not need to monitor so frequently. 

Normal range!!  Two of the three are in the normal range!!  They were between 8 to 20 times the normal value when we started 9 months ago!!!   I’m so thrilled to see such a great improvement, especially since her dosage hasn’t been raised since we started (it is based on weight).  I can’t wait to see what her liver and spleen are measured at next week when we see Dr. B., her pediatrician. 

THIS is great news!   If only the Cerezyme crossed the blood-brain barrier…


  1. Victoria says:

    i wish that too! But for now it is great news about Hannah. I am very happy for you all. She is accomplishing so much.


  2. That is awesome! Crying happy tears this morning.

  3. KarenandTess says:

    That is great news!!!

  4. MIssy says:

    That is wonderful news!! I will continue to pray for Hannah and for your family. She is just adorable and I am thrilled also to hear about her success with eating! Truly great news!

  5. YAY! Way to go Hannah!
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