The Parkinson’s Disease – Gaucher Disease link

What we have known for a few months has finally started hitting the mainstream media now as well as some other medical sites.  There are just a few….

Question is, now how can we capitalize on this and get the Parkinson’s community to start paying attention to our Gaucher kids?

Gaucher disease linked to Parkinson’s – Los Angeles Times
Mutant Gene Raises Risk of Parkinson’s (WebMD)
Glucocerebrosidase Mutations in Parkinson’s Disease  New England Journal of Medicine (subscription)
Study Conclusively Ties Rare Disease Gene To Parkinson’s – Medical News Today


  1. Finally! I guess they are starting to wake up to the fact that Rare Diseases like the ones our kids have are going to solve the most common diseases that impact millions of people.

    They need to start studying Hannah to find out more!

    Also, Carrie, are you scared by being a carrier you have more risk to PD???

    They told us with Niemann Pick Type C taht carriers might have issues — previously they told us we had nothing to worry about! Apparently there are NPC carriers and familes that claim there are lots of things like PD, AD and even ALS in their families — what is the common pathway that is disrupted???

  2. It is about time! It’s seems more common now that these rare diseases are becoming more common then in the past!
    .-= Alisha´s last blog .. =-.