Yeah, it has been a while…

I realized tonight that I haven’t posted in a week or so. 

There is a lot of stuff going on, but it mostly is just still trying to get into a routine with all her therapies, doctor visits, and the rest of our family life. 

  • We meet with Dr. Roy, the otolaryngologist, next week to reevaluate her vocal cord weakness and laryngomalacia.
  • Met with Dr. B., the pediatrician, yesterday.  Hannah is pretty much stable for the past two months with everything she has going on plus she gained 1 lb and 4 oz and almost an inch in the past two months.  The one thing that still resonates in my head is that he considers Hannah’s developmental progress “slow.”  Yeah, I know it is slow…
  • We are going to start planning our NIH trip in the next couple of weeks.  I can’t believe it is time already!
  • I have to get Hannah setup for her overnight nursing home stay so that she will qualify for the Medically Dependant Children’s Program here in Texas instead of waiting on the 9-year waiting list.  Kind of makes me uneasy, but we have no choice if we want to get services now.
  • We meet with GI next month as well to reevaluate her reflux plus we have an appointment wtih Dr. Schiffmann up in Dallas in early December.

Time is sure flying by!


  1. That is a lot going on! I’m glad she’s gaining – that’s good regardless of whether it’s slow. I hope that everything goes smoothly.

    Sorry I haven’t been around in awhile. I hope you’ve been doing okay overall.
    .-= Petula´s last blog ..Searching for singing bowls =-.

  2. Getting used to new routines is always such a chore. For me, it feels as though as soon as we get used to one, it changes. I guess, such is life… though it’s easier to say that than it is to not get frustrated by it. You’ve had a lot of doctor’s appointments lately…that’s one of the easiest routines to get into, in a way.
    .-= MiaHysteria´s last blog ..Dipping A Toe =-.

  3. I agree that what’s important is that she’s gaining and doing well– everyone moves along at our own pace! Let me know when the December appt is. If you have time to grab a bite together, that’d be great!