Big life changes in our home

As I have said for quite a while, it has been a really crappy few months here.  But there is finally some light shining for us…

My husband just got a new job!  Actually, it is the same company, but it is a different division.  Instead of having to drive to downtown Houston every day, leaving at 7:30 am and returning 7:30 pm each night, he will be WORKING FROM HOME!  Yes, can you believe it?!  This new position in an exciting new division is going to allow him to telecommute!

I’m probably more excited than he is.  I finally get a chance to breathe!  I can run an errand without having to worry about Hannah.  Take a long shower in the morning.  Even take 20 minutes to myself during the day!   I can take walks outside without having to worry about her getting bit by mosquitos or being too cold/hot.  I can take some time and start doing my Wii Fit that I have had for almost a year and never had time to really get into!  I don’t have to cut my day short or rush home to be home in time for Ethan and Abigail’s school bus.

Not only that, but the company that bought my old employer agreed to hire me back.  Unfortunately, the pay is less than what I was making when I went on maternity leave, but it is better than nothing.  I’ll be working Saturday and Sunday, 6 AM to 2 PM, plus Tuesday and Thursday  night from 8 PM to 11 PM. 

I’m already sad about having to work every weekend, but at least I will be working and bringing in an income. 

But with my hubby being home every day, things are going to be so much less stressful.  He is so excited to be able to spend more time with the kids, attend school functions, and even go to a few of Hannah’s therapies (because his hours are flexible).  We can eat dinner at a normal time instead of right before the kids go to bed.

It will be a big adjustment, but it is definitely worth it.  And once we get the respite care going (still waiting on our MDCP caseworker unfortunately), we may have even more of a sense of new-normalcy in our lives!


  1. Terrific news! Good luck with the transition!

  2. heather says:

    that is awesome! being a telecommuter myself – there are good and bad – but the flexibility it brings to the family and kids is awesome. And it will be even less of a stress with you working eves and weekends because you don’t have to feel like you are never seeing Robert!

    I think the hardest thing for all, which is always a battle for me when the kids are home, is setting the “office” boundary with the kids. They just don’t get (but they are younger than A & E) that when I am in my office on the computer or phone they can’t barge in. I have a video of Makena banging on my closed office door and crying…

    I am so happy things are turning around in that area for you guys. Hopefully will give you some relief.

  3. You know how excited I am for you!

  4. I’m so excited for your new job opportunities!

  5. susan mcfeely says:

    Wow I am really excited and extremely happy to hear of all the Positive news! Bobby getting to work at home, you getting part time work and MOST OF ALL “THE HANNAH KISSES”!!! How very AWESOME is that!! It just puts a great big smile on my face just thinking about that! So very pleased for you all and hope that this is the BEGINING of more POSITIVE NEWS for you guys.
    As always we pray for you all and think of you always.