My stomach is in knots

In about 15 minutes we head out for our road trip to the nursing home.  By map, it is only a 4-hour drive.  But since we will be making numerous planned (and hopefully no unplanned) stops, it will probably be more like 6 hours.

Right now, my stomach is in knots.  Not as much because Hannah and I have to spend the night in a nursing home (with Ethan, Abigail, and Daddy in a nearby hotel), but because I’m terrified as to how Hannah is going to handle this drive to the nursing home and back home.  If last week’s excursion to/from Dallas is any indicator, it is going to be rough.

It is going to be even tougher this time because Hannah now has a cold.  Just congestion, no fever.  But because of her congestion, she wakes up in a panic attack when, we think, the drainage clogs her throat.  Last night, she had a gagging attack after she woke up from a panic, and we ended up using the home oxygen concentrator.  We got her calmed down from the gagging attack in about 5 minutes, and she never turned blue.  But she had a tough recovery for the next couple of hours, as it took that long for her to finally catch her breath completely.  For a while there, I was contemplating another 911 call.

As we pack right now, Daddy is making sure the oxygen setup is all ready in the car.  I think we are bringing a few of the little ones with us.  Yesterday, I went and bought pediatric oxygen masks and tubing (I guess last night was a practice with it!).

Please, please, please send good thoughts that this trip is uneventful.   For those on facebook, I will be posting status updates on there many times during our trip to let you know how we are.


  1. Of course we’ll be sending good thoughts and holding you tight in our hearts.

    Do you have a suction machine?
    .-= Tammy and Parker´s last blog ..It hasn’t ALL been bad….. =-.

  2. Christi says:

    Good luck on your trip. I hope everything goes ok.