Failed attempt #2

We didn’t make it again to the nursing home, but this time it had nothing to do with Hannah.

Abigail seems to have caught a 24-hour stomach bug of some sort and had been vomiting every-hour-on-the-hour for almost 12 hours straight!    She seems a bit better today, but there just was no way that we were going to make a drive dealing with both her and Hannah.  Abigail was so upset that we had to postpone our “vacation” (even though we told her it wasn’t a fun vacation).

The nursing home coordinator is also not so pleased.  We rescheduled for next weekend, but I got the impression from her that “3 strikes and you are out.”

Great, no pressure there!


  1. Sarah says:

    Ugh, I’m so sorry, Carrie. Forgive me if you’ve covered this before, but why do they make you go to a nursing home — and one 2 hours away at that? Is it for assessment purposes? It seems there would be a qualifying facility somewhere in the Houston area. It’s not like you live in small town in the middle of nowhere! Sorry this bureaucratic requirement is causing such an enormous strain on your family. ::hugs::

  2. Let me know if I have to give the nursing home coordinator a talking to. 😉
    .-= Cristina´s last blog ..Time heals… =-.