Yummy alternatives

Strawberry syrup and Redi-Whip joy!

Yes, we know that pretty much all “by mouth” foods are not an option for Hannah anymore, at least for now.  Since we stopped giving her things like goldfish, cheetos, and cheerios, she has not had one gagging episode, not even a little one!   We have not even had to touch the oxygen we have here either.  It is very obvious that her gagging episodes that landed us in the ER twice were all related to her hypersensitive gag reflex, a progressive symptom of her disease.

Our biggest issue is she LOVES putting things in her mouth, especially toys and pacifiers.  Rarely is she without something in her mouth if she can help it.  That’s what makes not giving her food so disappointing because she loved eating her goldfish, cheetos, and other easy finger foods.  It also was a great keep-her-busy activity when we are at a restaurant.

Edible fingerpainting

But safety comes first.  We didn’t want to completely take away the enjoyment of food, so we are still giving her completely meltaway types of foods like Fun Dips sugar sticks, condiments, syrups, and whipped cream.

She LOVES this alternative.  Last night, we gave put strawberry syrup all over her high chair tray along with designs of Redi-Whip cream.   As you can see, it became an edible fingerpainting good time!

I would love to find something non-breakable (chewing wise) that we can put something like syrup or a stage 2 food or something like that inside, and she can chew on it and get the flavor.  I was thinking about a turkey baster type of thing, but that leaks much more than I had hoped.  If anyone has any suggestions, I’m open!


  1. Hi- long time reader, first time commenter 🙂

    could you put it in a baby bottle and then just make the hole a little bigger?

  2. How sweet- I bet she loved it!
    Would something like this help/work for her :

    .-= Ashley´s last blog ..2010- Time to change =-.

  3. Brenda Rinaldi says:

    I think the mesh feeder would be great for Hannah! They sell them at Target too. Hope it works! 🙂

  4. elanie says:

    How about ice cream? Frozen or non frozen yogurt? Even melted ice cream would be a tasty treat if she doesn’t like the coldness. Ice cream or Yogurt is also good from the calcium / calories aspect.
    For a delivery system how about the Boon Spoon? You could use it (or even her brother and sister) or even maybe Hannah could get the hang of it eventually. You can also put baby food in the Boon Spoon.


    Good Luck!

  5. Missy says:

    I used the Baby Safe Feeders which they sell at Walmart/Target or Babies’r’Us. I am not sure if this is what you are looking for but hope it helps!

  6. I was going to say the same thing as everyone else. I’ve seen it at Babies R Us.

    I’m glad she enjoyed her treat… loved hearing her coos. 🙂
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