Being part of the IN crowd

I have been dreaming of this moment for many, many months. But she finally has conquered this. Hannah can now put something IN a box! She mastered taking OUT for quite a while, but putting in requires both cognitive learning, eye movement control (which hers is very poor), plus communication skills (her weakest point).

She did it! You can hear how excited her therapist and I are once we realized she has figured this out. After this video was made, she did it ON HER OWN for about 10 minutes while her therapist and I chatted! Then, at dinnertime, she kept doing it on her own while the rest of us ate dinner! She is loving it now. We have to make sure we have her practice it almost every day so she does not forget it.

I learned a lot from watching Hannah learn this skill. She does a LOT of things by sound. She is not able to watch the block drop into the box, so it seems like she has figured out where the box is (from the top) and then drop it over the box. I think this is one of the first times I have really seen her ocular motor apraxia and supranuclear gaze palsy (unable to move eyes up/down, side/side easily) comes into play. But, she is doing what she really does best…compensating for her disability and making it work for her!

I am so incredibly proud!!!


  1. Yeah!!!!!! Oh my goodness we are all so very proud of yoou Hannah!!! You did such a great job sweetie!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yay!!! She is so much like my daughter! I can’t wait to meet her!

  3. Missy says:

    Go Hannah!!! You rock!!!

  4. betsy says:

    So proud of her!

  5. I keep getting so emotional when I see this video. I could watch it forever. That girl is brilliant, beautiful and a fighter! I love her so much! And, I love you too, Mama. 😉
    .-= Cristina´s last blog ..Utah Keto Get Together on March 27th! =-.

  6. Chris says:

    Yay Hannah!!! That is AWESOME! I love the way she keep looking at the camera when you guys cheer for her!