Getting back into routine

Hannah had a rough day today.  She seems to have developed a cold and congestion, which wrecks havoc with her ability to sleep.   Last night was probably the hardest night in many, many months, as she and I were up much of the night.  Then, she had to go downtown with Daddy to get her Cerezyme infusion.   Apparently she was incredibly cranky there, more so than usual.  I think trying to get her back settled into a routine was much rougher on her than we had anticipated after being gone for 8 days!

But she is asleep now with her humidifier, her head on the pillow wedge trying to keep her from getting too congested.  We will see how long it lasts!

However, for the first time since Hannah started her infusions 13 months ago, she finally had an increased dose of Cerezyme.  I had been pushing for this for a few months, especially since she has gained quite a bit of weight since she first started at 6 months old.  (Cerezyme is dosed based on weight – 60 units per kg).   She had been on 400 units, and today was her first day at 600 units (she is 11+ kg now).

There is so much to do in the next 2 months to prepare for our move.   Even though I wish we could move today and just get it over with, I know having the two months is definitely a requirement just to try and get things done.   We really need to get on the ball and start getting ready, especially with finding a rental house so we have a place to move when we get there!

We have already narrowed down our move date.  We are going to leave the Friday or Saturday after the kids get out of school (which is on a Thursday).   Abigail, Hannah, and I are going to fly to Vegas and stay with my inlaws, and Ethan and Daddy are going to drive my minivan from Texas to Vegas and bring the two dogs and cat.   Also, Daddy is probably going to drive his car over in a few weeks and leave it at his inlaws as well as try to get some interviews going to see if he can find some kind of work.


  1. You’ve got a lot going on! Sending out prayers for you…. and for Hannah’s cold! She’s trooper!

  2. Hang in there. V always seemed to get sick after big trips! My nuerologist reccommended Conti as a pediatrician who was better about coordinating care of complicated kids. Despite my misgivings that I expressed to you in email some time ago, I trust the nuero with my daughter’s life (and she is one of the few doctors here who has my total trust), so I would go with that reccoemendation.