Cardiology Thursday

Hannah getting an echocardiogram at the NIH

We have our 6-month followup with the Dr. Jeffries, Hannah’s cardiologist over at TCH.   During her last visit, it was noted that her aorta was slightly dilated and that she had a patent foramen ovale.

There is a part of me that is not as concerned about cardiac issues because that is not a normal path of nGD.  However, the not-so-naive part of me says that Hannah has strayed in many different ways from the normal path of nGD and also carries one mutation of the D409H mutation which may carry cardiac issues.

Thursday Hannah is going to have another EKG and echocardiogram, and it should give us a good idea of where her heart issues stand.

From October 2009: We met with the Cardiologist this morning.  Hannah does NOT have an ASD (atrial septal defect), but instead they believe she has a PFO (patent foramen ovale).  It is something that is very common, almost 30% of the general population have one.  It can be left alone for the most part unless Hannah developes migraine headaches when she is older, then they can close it.  Otherwise it is just something that will be monitored but left alone!  Great news on that front.

However, they also noticed that Hannah’s aorta is slightly dilated.  This is of some concern, as if it continues to dilate, it could cause an aortic dissection (think John Ritter).   But for now, we are just going to monitor it and do another echo in 6 months.  There are three schools of thought on this:

  1. It could be related to Hannah’s D409H genetic mutation, which when homozygous, is known to have the propensity for cardiac calcification issues.  Perhaps her never-before-documented combination could related to aortic issues?
  2. It could not even be related to Hannah’s Gaucher’s Disease, and it is just something “else” we need to keep an eye on.
  3. It is just a normal variant for Hannah, and this is the size of her aorta.

In 6 months, we will have a better idea whether or not it is just a normal variant for Hannah or if it is indeed a cardiac issue that is going to have to be closely monitored over the course of her life.


  1. I hope the echocardiogram stays as normal as it possibly can. Good luck!
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