Cardiology update

Finally, we have something that we can write off for another 6 to 9 months!

Hannah had her echocardiogram and EKG done.  Her EKG looked normal, and her echocardiogram shows that her “slightly dilated aorta” is still just that — slightly dilated.  Dr. Jeffries, Hannah’s cardiogeneticist, put it into perspective.  The high-normal is 1.77 cm of thickness.  Hannah’s aorta is 1.80 cm — just 0.03 larger than the high end of normal!  It also has not increased since the last echocardiogram done 6 months ago.

This is great news.  He would like to have a cardiac MRI done just as a baseline at some point in the next few months knowing that cardiac issues may arise with Hannah’s D409H genetic mutation.

Also, her patent foramen ovale (hole) is still as it was before.  Probably a congenital defect, not related to her disease.  However, it is not causing any problems, so he does not see the need to surgically close it as of yet.

But other than that, it is “see you in 6 to 9 months!”


  1. That’s FANTASTIC news, Carrie!!!

  2. That is such a relief! Hugs to you all!
    .-= Cristina´s last blog ..Stem Cells: Response from Duke University =-.

  3. That is a blessing.