Therapy Reevaluation

As we get ready for this major life change (move to Vegas), I have been doing some serious thinking about Hannah’s therapy needs.   From day #1, we have been winging it because we weren’t sure what Hannah’s progress would be and even if she would be with us by this point.   With the exception of her hydrotherapy, developmental therapy, and her physical therapy, none of her other therapies have a direction or purpose anymore.  Hannah has been extremely cranky with almost all of her therapists, and I just don’t see enough progress to push it for the next 5 weeks.

So I sent an email to Hannah’s developmental therapist, who is also Hannah’s ECI service coordinator, letting her know that I want to cancel all of Hannah’s ECI therapies at this point with the exception of her.  Truth be told, her visits are more for me at this point than Hannah.  She has been my local support and lifeline since Hannah was 4 months old.

For the remainder of our time here in Texas, Hannah’s therapy will consist of PT on Wednesday mornings, hydrotherapy on Friday mornings, and developmental therapy on Friday afternoons.

Once we move to Las Vegas, I am going to try and get an appointment with Dr. Joanna Fricke at UMC Las Vegas (our new home away from TCH), a developmental pediatrician who specializes in working with children with neurologic developmental delays.

I really believe we need to get Hannah evaluated by a developmental pediatrician who can help us map out a new plan of action for Hannah so we can concentrate on therapies that will help improve her life and not spend time on therapeutic situations which may be too difficult for Hannah to grasp at this point.   I really want someone to say “Based on what we know about Hannah and conditions similar to hers, this is what would work best for her…”

I’m going to try and set up an appointment this week for this summer.  I hope, hope, hope that we can get Hannah in!  We will still be likely working with Early Intervention again, and I welcome that.  I just want to spend less time in therapy and benefit Hannah the most.


  1. Yup, make that appt. now because it could be 3 months before you get in as a new patient for a developmental pediatrician! It took about 2 months when we moved to UT but we only got in “early” because of a cancellation.

    Honestly, since Bertrand started at “school” we’ve cut way back on his therapies. In many ways the EI therapists are more for me than him too, and I think he gets more out of being with other kids (social therapy? 🙂 then any of his traditional therapies could provide. And, I am less stressed. 🙂

    Hugs to you all!
    .-= Cristina´s last blog ..Stem Cells: Response from Duke University =-.