Okay, so we actually got discharged yesterday, but it has been nonstop crazy here!

I will elaborate more later, but we are figuring things out here.  Lots of follow up appointments to be made.  Lots of supplies to be organized.  Thank GOODNESS for home nursing and our 12 hours a day for the next week (unknown what we get after that) because Hannah can only either be held or lie on the floor and have to be watched. 

I’m so glad to be home, but wow, I feel like this is a whole new world now with all this medical equipment and living by a clock for medications and things that have to be done!  My mind is racing a thousand miles and hour, and even trying to write a coherent blog post is difficult LOL.

But, after 44 days in the hospital, Hannah is finally home!!!!


  1. YAY!!! Congratulations!!! Love to you all! 🙂

  2. Congratulations! Its just what both of you need!

  3. I am so so so happy you guys are home! I promise you that before long, all of the equipment and the schedule and the tons of appointments will just become your way of life. You’ll wonder what seemed so overwhelming and scary about it all when you first got home because it is all just second nature. Make sure you get some rest at some point because sleep is the one thing that never seems to be readily available!


  4. susan mcfeely says:

    So glad you are “HOME” at last after such a long time living in a hospital this must be a relief. I know your mind is going all over the place at the moment with all the medical equipment and all but it will all come together sure enough and will be second nature to you before you know it. Like with everything else that has been going on you WILL HANDLE IT cos thats just being YOU and BOBBY, you are two of the strongest people !!

    Enjoy you time with Ethan and Abby and most important get rest when you can.

