PCU, Day #32, GTube Chaos

What a morning, literally!

Hannah fell asleep last night and 9:30 pm and woke up at 2:30 am.  She was just not a happy camper and could not get comfortable because her movements started up again and kept her awake.  Finally at around 4:00 am, the nurse put Hannah into my lap on the rocking chair to see if I could cuddle her to get her more comfortable.  I tried for about 30 minutes, but no matter what position we tried, she just was not comfortable.

As the nurse and I were putting her back in the crib, her GTube got pulled out…completely!  I started a mini-panic but the nurse just called in another nurse, and they padded it and taped it up.  Pedi Surgery was called, and they came within the hour and put in a temporary tube at her crib.  I was so worried that she would have to go back to surgery, but no, it was all done at the bedside, quick and easy!  Then this afternoon (about 1 pm), Pedi Surgery came back to bring in the permanent tube AND the Gbutton!  I was so excited because we are getting rid of the long tubing and already going for the MicKey button.  One less wire!

Daddy and Hannah are currently waiting to go to Radiology to get a GTube study to make sure everything is in the right place.

On a separate note, Daddy and I have become more hands on with Hannah’s care.  We have bagged and suctioned her ourselves without supervision (with permission) and have done all of the trach care today.  This afternoon we have our Trach CPR class and then tonight we have our Trach change class.  We are feeling more and more confident in being able to care for Hannah and her trach.   Also, the nurses are now letting us administer Hannah’s meds through her Gtube so we can get practice in that as well.

Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well with the Gtube study so we can “mark that off the list,” one step closer to getting transferred!

Lastly, Hannah is now permanently “off the vent.”   She is on 24-hour CPAP now (which still using all the vent tubing, just does not do the breathing for her), and she will be doing a 5-hour humidified trach collar trial this afternoon (she did 90 minutes yesterday).


  1. Sounds great!! Praying you get to LV next week. Did yah’ll manage to get a charity flight? Do you think the INS will pay for a medi flight for Hannah.

  2. What an eventful day! I bet you will actually like the gbutton. It sure reduces the stress on mommy knowing you have a way to get food and medicine in other than by mouth! Make sure they send you with a could of extra button kits. They need to be replaced within an hour and the small size are kind of hard to find. It wasn’t until V’s came out that we found out we needed to order them by mail and the hospital here did not have the right size replacement button! Hope the humified trach went well!