Venturing out

Today was a good day.

Not only was it Hannah’s birthday, but it was also the birthday party of her cousin who lives here in Las Vegas.  Originally the plan was to just let my inlaws take the kids to my nephew’s party, and we would stay home with Hannah and the nurse.

Hannah had been doing so well these past couple of days.  We thought that maybe today was the day to get out of the house and do something fun.  Since she was discharged, the only places Hannah has gone outside of the house are doctor’s offices and therapy sessions.

But today was going to be different.  We were going to go to our nephew’s party with Hannah (and her nurse).  It was at a bowling alley, so it was air conditioned, so we did not have to worry about the heat.  We figured Hannah would probably get cranky or overstimulated with seeing all the lights, people, and activity, so we anticipated only being at the party for about 20 minutes or so.  But at least it would be a first step to getting back to a normal life.

Around 3:30 pm, Daddy, Hannah, her nurse, and I headed to my nephew’s party.  After taking about 10 minutes to adjust to all the noise and people in the bowling alley, Hannah just lit up and became very social, playful, and had such a great time.   Abby and Ethan loved having their sister there and would often come and play with her, even if it was just to give her a glow-in-the-dark necklace (that she played with most of the time!).  Hannah spent time with her aunt and her grandparents as well, and she soaked up every minute of it.  We spent over 2 hours there!

It was wonderful having the nurse with us because she would take care of Hannah at the times when Daddy and I wanted to spend time with Ethan and Abigail (especially before the grandparents showed up).  Our nurse really cares about Hannah so much so we knew she was in great hands.   Also, when Hannah’s grandmother swooped her up and wanted to take her up to their hotel room with the other two younger cousins (the bowling alley was in a casino), our nurse was able to go with her.  This way Nan could spend time with Hannah, yet feel comfortable that if there was an emergency or incident (like her needing suctioning or pulling out her trach), she had help.

She was such a happy girl today.  Loving life, that is my girl.


  1. Betsy says:

    Such a special girl, Hannah’s personality is shining through! Only in Las Vegas would a bowling alley be in a hotel with a casino…

  2. heather says:

    love the happy posts! hope things are getting back to “normal” and you guys are settling in to life in Vegas!

  3. susan mcfeely says:

    How wonderful that Hannah enjoyed her day out on her Birthday and was able to join the family for a fun day at the bowling alley. It must be so good for her and for you guys to be able to feel so comfortable taking her out, especially having her nurse with you. I am so delighted for you all and I wish you many many more of these happy outings to come.

    Big hugs and kisses to you all!!

