Horrible appointment today…

We had our meeting with the pulmonologist today.   I knew from Daddy’s meeting with him 6 weeks or so ago that this doctor was going to be very conservative about the talk of getting rid of the trach.  So I came into the appointment with the mindset to just have him understand our point of view on why we want to discuss the possibility of decannulization.

He was a nice enough doctor, older, gray-haired.

I told him about what happened when Hannah pulled out her trach yesterday and how I called his office yesterday and the receptionist said that there were only general pediatric residents available, no one who was really familiar with trachs and what to do when we had to put in a smaller one, etc.    The doctor immediately got pissed off and said “Excuse me,” and left the room.  Hannah’s nurse and I were sitting in the room thinking “what the heck?” and we heard him reprimanding his nurse because I guess she was not available when I called (I had gotten her voice mail and didn’t leave a message, pressed zero to talk to someone).    The nurse came in and apologized profusely and told me in the future to have her paged if this happens again.

Next thing he said was that we should have taken Hannah to the ER immediately if we could not get the right trach size back in and that the hole was probably closed up now around the new 3.0.  He doesn’t like keeping Hannah on the 3.0 because it is a smaller cannula, and with the amount of junk she gets at times, it could get clogged.  Fair enough.

I brought up the topic of decannulization, and I swear that he changed personality.   He was so set in his thought process that Hannah will never be decannulized because of the POSSIBILITY of her Gaucher progression affecting her airway.   He made the comment “I already told your husband that it is not something we should consider.”   EXCUSE ME?   I was completely taken aback by his change in attitude.

The conversation continued like this:

Me:  “I really would like to consider the possibility since Hannah was trached not because of airway issues but because she was oversedated when she was intubated.”

Doctor:  “Even despite her prognosis, she had airway issues which is why her extubation failed numerous times before she was trached.”

Me:  “She did not have any airway issues before she was trached.  Again, she was trached because they could not get her off sedation enough to maintain her breathing on her own.”

Doctor:  (Blowing me off and ignoring my reiteration) “I have the notes here as to why she needed to be trached.   Besides, her tonsils are so big, she would have breathing problems as well with that.”

I looked at Hannah’s nurse who was with us, and she and I just looked at each other like “Are you friggin’ kidding me?”   It was obvious that he would not even consider the possibility, so I decided to drop the subject for now.

Because I wanted to get Hannah a passy muir valve (so she could learn to use her voice), I just dropped it for the time being and talked about getting her a passy muir valve (which will hopefully be ordered tomorrow).   He also made the comment that he wanted to get Hannah in to see her new ENT sooner than next Friday to try and get the 3.5 trach in (might require outpatient surgery/sedation).

I left the appointment SO FRIGGIN’ ANGRY.   The doctor just totally blew off my request, as he already had his mind up.  He never looked at Hannah as the patient, he just saw “neuronopathic Gaucher’s disease” and that was it.  It does not matter that she has a history of a unique presentation of the disease, it does not matter that she has had no lung issues whatsoever at this point, and it does not matter that her airway issues (vocal cord paresis and laryngomalacia) have significantly improved in the past year!

I felt like I was treated as a mom who knows nothing about my daughter’s medical condition.    He would not even engage in a conversation about Hannah herself!

I got home from the appointment, and I called the ENT’s office to see if we could see him sooner than 9/3.   He wasn’t available, but his partner was available to see Hannah to try and get the trach in tomorrow morning.   We are going to keep the appointment on 9/3 with the ENT I wanted to use.

Dr. Roy, Hannah’s Houston ENT (and one of Hannah’s guardian angels), has a conference call set up with this new ENT on Monday to discuss Hannah’s case.   Fortunately, Dr. Roy is also of the same mindset that I am that if Hannah does not need the trach now then take it out.   You don’t trach a child because of a possible problem proactively if there are no issues even leading that way.

I also set up an new patient appointment with the other pediatric pulmonologist in town for next week.   There are only two in this town, and I just do not feel comfortable going back to this doctor.   I hope this doctor will, at the very least, give me the opportunity to discuss how I feel about the situation, even if he feels strongly that she needs to remained trach.   I just hope that this doctor will be open-minded, that is the key.  I hope, hope, hope that he is not like this other doctor.

I know that removing the trach may not be an option.  But I want it to be because HANNAH, the person, needs the trach.  Not because she has a diagnosis that may likely lead to an eventual trach so let’s not even consider it.  Better safe than sorry is one thing but so is quality of life.   If she needs to keep the trach in (and she may very well need to), then I want to be comfortable that it really is the right decision for her.

It is my right, as Hannah’s parent, to be involved in the decision to keep the trach or not.   I am a smart enough mom, more educated on Gaucher’s disease than he is.  He needs me and my experience and knowledge on Gaucher’s as much as I need him.  He is the first doctor I have met since Hannah was born that has not treated our care of Hannah as a partnership.

Hopefully tomorrow will go better.


  1. I have sharp pointy toed boots just itching to kick some doctor butt for you. He’s definitely not the right fit for you!

  2. What a jerk!! I sure hope the other pediatric pulmonolgist is a better person.

  3. I am so sorry you had such a crummy apt. I think things started out wrong when he found out you were mis informed by his office. He sure could have handled the whole situation much better then he did. (he may have other personal reasons for his actions, but he could have handled them differently). This being said I think it just set up the rest of the appt not to go very well in your favor. I am not excusing his behavior just looking at it from a different angle.

    You are right to seek out a new doctor tho. You should have the right to discuss what your options may be or may not be, you should have been given some more compassion (I think he was still holding a grudge with his nurse) so he was not open to anything else.

    Hope you both have a much better appt with the next doctor.

  4. Ugh! What a jerk! I’m glad you are looking at another Pulmonologist and hopefully he’s more willing to at least discuss the issue with you. Good luck!

  5. Raelynne says:

    What a nasty man-treating his nurse that way and then completely ignoring you. I feel sorry for people around him. He’s just not nice. Let’s hope the other pulmonologist is at least open minded. I mean, if he listens and considers but ultimately decides not now because there are more risks than advantages at this point-fine!

    Gee Carrie-I really thought it was a decent sign that she was doing well with the trach out….I knos that’s happened in situations where the subject of decannulation is then brought up!
    Hang in there-HUGS!

  6. susan mcfeely says:

    Good God, what an ASS of a Doctor!! I was so frustrated just reading about it I wanna kick his butt also!Friggin jerk!!! I wouldnt want to take my child back to someone with such an attitude! I am so glad you are going to see this other doctor and hopefully he will listen to you and have a bit more compassion and better bed side manners!


  7. susan mcfeely says:

    Good God, what an ASS of a Doctor!! I was so frustrated just reading about it I wanna kick his butt also!Friggin jerk!!! I wouldnt want to take my child back to someone with such an attitude! I am so glad you are going to see this other doctor and hopefully he will listen to you and have a bit more compassion and better bed side manners!


  8. Karen says:

    That doctor obviously doesn’t know who he was up against. I hope you have better luck (respect) next week.

  9. Carrie Do NOT give up on the Trach issue. Mommy instinct always wins out I say. It is very clear that Hannah doesn’t need the Trach if she hasnt had any issues with it being out. What an ass that doctor is? I hope you find a younger & more civilized doctor for Hannah. The old farts are set in their ways and it sucks that they are not willing to look at new ways.

    Love you xxx

  10. We definately have a few yuckies here. I had an issue with the only pediatric nuero in town as when b-was a baby. There is also a pediatric nuero surgeon who is super awesome about telling you your kids brain is useless so he may as well try surgery.

    If you read this before your appointment with the ENT, maybe you can convice the ENT to remove the trache. It was an ENT at UMC who would have trached V and made the decision not to (after I threatened him with bodily harm). Wish I could remember his name. He was Asian.

    Also, insist that she be given a chance without the trache if they are going to do surgery to put another one in anyway.

    I am really sorry you had such a crappy appointment.