Playgroup today

Hannah had her first official playgroup today.  It was set up by Early Intervention, and it was Hannah with three little boys, just slightly younger than Hannah.  All with some sort of special needs.   I was so excited for her to go because this was the first opportunity we have had to put Hannah into any type of organized playgroup with other children.  Nothing like this existed in Texas.

Hannah would have absolutely none of it.  Less than 5 minutes in, she started getting very upset, putting her back to everyone, and throwing herself into my lap.  We tried the wonderful different sensory games they offered during playgroup, but she really just would tune everything out.  About 20 minutes before the hour-long playgroup ended, she shut herself down and put herself completely to sleep.

I have to admit that I was disappointed that it didn’t go better, but I think once Hannah gets used to it that this is going to be so good for her.  Especially since the people who run the playgroup are PTs, OTs, and other therapists.   It definitely stressed her out farther than I have let her go in any other therapy.   With all her thrashing around and having a tantrum throughout the whole experience, it was rough for both of us.

It is 3 times a month, and unfortunately the next one is not for two weeks.  But hopefully next time she will be through with her trachiitis and off the Cipro, both which has totally taken a toll on her little body .

I just know the more Hannah gets exposed to these type of situations (playgroups, classes, etc.), the better off she will be in the long run, how ever long that may be.  So many more experiences will be opened up to her if she will just let other people in to expose them to her.

It will just be a rough road and balancing act to get her there.


  1. Raelynne says:

    Hang in there! I know from personal experience that playgroup is a wonderful component in Early Start! And once they get used to it, the kids never want to leave!!

  2. Denise says:

    No matter how hard this is right now you are doing the “right” thing. My nephew has brittle bone disease and he was a very (wish I could underline) timid/shy child. My daughter with her lung disease also has exhibited this trait. I think the more medical intervention a child has it really spills over into how they are when they interact with strangers. My nephew outgrew this and I hope with time Hannah comes to love play group. The reward for both you and Hannah will be worth it.