Hannah’s Amazing New Skill!

If you could see my face right now, you would see that I am beaming with pride.

We knew that Hannah’s skills were scattered, but for the most part they were in the 9- to 12-month developmental age area.   But like her being able to read books and turn pages, this is a new skill that she has been working on that is finally clicking.


From the way she holds her crayon (knowing which end to use) to the way she attempts to draw (which may look like chicken scratch to some, but to me it is a site of beauty!)…she is figuring it out.   Her nurses and I have been working with her daily on this skill, and after about a month or so.

Look how proud she gets in these videos – I love it!!

(On a side note, this was right before her afternoon meds, so you can see her movement disorder is pretty distinct.)


  1. THAT is awesome.

  2. yay!!! Hannah!!! Josslyn had to watch the videos about 4 times each! Proud of you girlie!

  3. What an inspiration ♥

  4. Denise says:

    Woohoo Hannah! Great job! I need some “sunshine” today…that was it!

  5. Oh, that is WONDERFUL! You can tell she’s really enjoying it, too. Gives me chills. So excited for her.

  6. Oh Carrie, she’s so beautiful! Videos brought tears to my eyes…I’m just so very happy that Hannah is still thriving, and I can see Kyle in her beautiful smile. Kyle had that inner light just like Hannah, and their love is just so amazing 🙂

  7. susan mcfeely says:


    Watching the video of Hannah coloring just made my heart SWELL and brought tears to my eyes(HAPPY ONES)! It really made my day and it make me appreciate life soooo much more! What a beautiful child she is!! So proud of her!!!
