Cardiologist update

We finally got a followup for Hannah’s ‘slightly enlarged aorta’ that was first noticed on our initial trip to the NIH almost a year and a half ago.   It was my fault really.  It was just not high on my list of specialists to get settled, but I knew it had to be done once we were settled.  She last had it checked out back in February in Texas, and they said to follow up in a year.  So we did.

Hannah’s new cardiologist, Dr. Cass, seems like a good fit for us.   She asked the right questions regarding Hannah’s condition, and she was very up front with information.

Hannah had her EKG done first, and then Dr. Cass did the echocardiogram (the ultrasound) herself.   She did note that Hannah’s aortic root is still slightly enlarged, but it is no different really than it was when it was first found out.  So, it seems that in this case, Hannah ‘just happens to have’ an aortic root that is bigger than normal and not by much.

She also noticed some very slight mitral valve regurgitation, but she didn’t feel it was significant enough to show concern at this point.  Just something to keep an eye on.

I loved the fact the cardiologist does the actual echo herself.  She also told us that, within her practice, if one of her patients are in the hospital and needs an echo done, she will actually come to the hospital and do it herself.

Best part was — “Follow up in 1 year” — FINALLY!  An appointment that just seemed ‘normal!”


  1. Whoo hooo for “normal” appts!!

  2. Thank goodness for a “normal” appointment FINALLY!

  3. That’s great about the appointment!