CBS local mention!

Students at John C. Vanderburg Elementary Support World Rare Disease Day!

This Friday, the student body at John C. Vanderburg Elementary School will be doing their part to raise awareness on World Rare Disease Day. The students will be making bracelets in support of the sister of two students at the school, who suffers from a rare disease that only affects hundreds worldwide. She has Gaucher’s Disease, which means she lacks the enzyme that allows her body to break down fat, so she goes for bi-monthly infusion treatments that prolong her life at the Children’s Specialty Center of Nevada. The finished bracelets will be presented to families with a child battling a rare disease, to let them know other people care and support them in their fight.


  1. Melody Lowry says:

    I saw you and beautiful Hannah this morning on Fox 5. My heart goes out to you and your family. I will keep you all in my prayers at this time that is the best I can do.