Fox 5 Morning Interview!

Hannah and I did our interview this morning on Fox 5 morning news with Jason at 7:45 am.

I am nervous about seeing the playback because I was beyond exhausted since I haven’t been to sleep since I woke up at 1 pm yesterday since I still had to do Hannah’s night nursing last night.  Also, Hannah was still fighting her stomach bug and was had a restless night so by the time the interview came, she was trying so dang hard to snuggle in my arms so she could get to sleep.  I don’t think the camera even caught a shot of her face!

Before the segment, Monica (the anchor) came up to meet Hannah.  She was so sweet.  Hannah actually reached out to give her a hug!

It was almost surreal because before the segment I was sitting in the tall chair looking at the teleprompter which was stopped on the intro to our segment.   Talking about how a valley girl with a rare disease is no longer alone and about to mention the school event.

I think I was able to get everything in that I wanted.   I was able to talk about the huge school event this afternoon, the clinic fundraiser on Monday, the Children’s Rare Disease Network, the 7000 Bracelets of Hope campaign, the lack of Gaucher resources and research, etc.  I was also able to mention Hannah’s blog if people were interested in learning more about Hannah.

As soon as the link goes up on the website, I will be sure to post it on here.   It was a great, great experience.   I felt really nervous, and I hope I didn’t come across that way during the interview, but I felt I did the best I could, especially not being a professional speaker.

We didn’t get a chance to take any pictures with Jason or Monica because they were still on air, but we took a family picture which I will post later.

Off to sleep now.  Got to be ready for the big school event in a few hours!

And if anyone from the Fox 5 news crew, especially the sweet lady who was our organizer, reads this — THANK YOU so much for the opportunity to share our story!  It means so much to know that people really care about Hannah and want to help us help her.


  1. YAY! Take a well-deserved nap, Carrie! You never rest when it comes to doing what’s best for your kids and helping others. Thanks for doing this on behalf of all kids with rare disease! Your family is super! Love you all!

  2. Awesome!

  3. Dave Yaeck says:

    Hi Hon:

    Saw the piece. I’m so proud of you. Keep up the great work and good luck this weekend with all the events.

    Love you guys,

    The Yaeck Family

  4. So proud of you!

  5. can we seet he interview?? Or am I just now seeing it??