Abby’s clothes and the Disney shorts

Abby was 4 years old when Hannah was born.

A few months before Hannah was born, it was time to prune Abby’s wardrobe and take out all the clothes that didn’t fit her anymore.  Usually we donate them, but we knew that I was having a girl so we put the good ones aside into storage.   Most of the items were a size 4.

I remember pruning Abby’s wardrobe again about a year later, after we received Hannah’s diagnosis and a prognosis of just 9 months (of which she was almost there already).  I was very hesitant to do it at first because there was that nagging prognosis in the back of my mind wondering if Hannah would ever get to wear the clothes I was putting in storage.   After all, she would have to be a size 4 for them, which means she would have to survive a couple of years at least.  I kept fearing that she never would see these clothes.

Fast forward to tonight.   As we started packing for our Disney World trip, we realized that we have very few shorts for Hannah.  We have one pair actually.  Because of her enlarged spleen and liver, she would need a size 4 elastic shorts.

Daddy and I broke open the box we had in storage for the last three years labeled “Hannah’s Big Girl clothes.”  Abby’s old clothes were right there, as were the flood of memories of Abby in these clothes and the fear of Hannah not seeing her first or second birthday.   Although I just started going through the clothes that were mostly winter, we did find a pair of shorts that were a size 4 and fit Hannah perfect.  Ironically, they were Disney princess jean shorts!

Hannah is finally wearing Abby’s old hand-me-downs.   To me, this is an amazingly huge milestone in our lives and this journey.  It may seem trivial to some, but it is so far from that!    I’m so proud that Hannah is now going to be wearing Abby’s old clothes.


  1. 😉

  2. Kathleen says:

    I am so happy you packed away those clothes. <3

  3. This made me smile this morning.

  4. What a nice morning blog to wake up to. I agree with Melenie.