Just a lot to take in

In less than 8 hours, the limo that Make-A-Wish arranged for us will be picking us up to take us to the airport for our Disney World trip.   Ethan and Abigail were so excited that they didn’t fall asleep until 11 pm.

The bags are packed for the most part, only the toiletries and the kids’ toothbrushes remain unpacked as well as my laptop.  We ended up with 3 check-on luggage and 8 carry-ons (two medical bags, my purse, and a carry-on for each of us).

Bingo Stroller-Wheelchair

Whether it was fate or coincidence, our medical equipment company had come out on Thursday to measure Hannah for her stroller wheelchair.  When we were talking about the trip, he had said that they just received a donation of a stroller-wheelchair just a few days prior and if we wanted to borrow it for the week, we could and that he would adjust it to her specifications so we didn’t have to bring her in to pick it up!   It wasn’t the same brand as the one we are getting, but it still would do everything we needed.  Talk about a godsend!

After picking it up Friday afternoon, we tried it out with Hannah.   We knew that Hannah has been having a really difficult time keeping her balance in her regular Chicco stroller because we were constantly trying to adjust her for comfort.  But it wasn’t until we saw her so comfortable and secure in this stroller that we realized how much her balance and control has been lost just over the past six months.

It was just another slap in the face reminder that her disease is progressing faster than we had realized when looking at her day-to-day.   Even looking at pictures and videos from just six months ago shows her to be stronger and in more control of her movements.

Even though I’m excited for our trip to Disney World, I can’t help but have bittersweet feelings about this whole thing.  Daddy and I have both talked about how the purpose of Make-A-Wish is for kids who are losing their battles with illness, at least in our respect.  The whole “last great wish” thing.  I remember that part of me that wished Hannah wouldn’t qualify for MAW because that would mean that she wasn’t really as sick.

But it is time to tuck these feelings away for now.  Time to spend seven amazing days living an adventure that we could never do ourselves.   Time to just be a family without the stress of doctor visits, therapy, and treatments.

Time to just have fun together as a family of five and create fun and happy memories that we will cherish for our lifetime.



  1. Have a wonderful time, Carrie!

  2. Try to take a breath and actually enjoy it.

  3. Have a great trip!

  4. susan mcfeely says:

    Try ro enjoy this wonderful trip and just have fun together as a family and cherish every moment of the next week ! You will have such wonderful memories of this special time together. Happy Easter and God bleess all of you!!