Tummy troubles

We took Hannah to her GI doctor today.   Just a follow up, as her stomach issues have been pretty under control for the most part.

As he was asking me questions, we did uncover that she has been getting more constipated lately (sometimes going 2 or 3 days between poops) and that her reflux seems to be a bit worse.   Also, she has been getting a lot more gassy than usual, even using the mylicon a couple of times a day (still on the infant dose).

He believes that she is having neuromuscular progression in her motility, getting the food through her body.   It is still a mild problem at this point since it hasn’t caused any real harm, so he wants us to start using 1/2 capful of Miralax every day to help keep her body moving.   Also, we added simethicone (same as Gas-X or mylicon) to her diet 4 times a day to help her with the gas.

She is now 29.5 pounds.  She has been hovering around the 28 to 29 pound mark for almost 5 months now.   She hasn’t been gaining as much, but he wants us to wait until her next appointment in 4 months to see if we need to up her calories or change her formula.

Really, it was not a big deal, nothing major.   But for some reason, it made me a bit sad.   Her tummy issues were the one area that we didn’t have any issues at all, and I kind of enjoyed having those appointments were all is good.



  1. Het Carrie, sorry to hear about the tummy issues. But how does the doctor know if its a progression of the disease or purely the bodies reaction to all the meds that Hannah is taking now? Js meds all Habe constipation and reflux as side effect and she has been on miralax for years now. Just saying…