Klonopin chaos?

We have been slowly decreasing Hannah’s Klonopin for the past few months, since the beginning of May I think it was.

We dropped down to 1.5 mL three times a day earlier this week which was about a .5 mL per day drop.

Coincidence or direct result, we don’t know, but we have seen some “not good” changes in Hannah.   She has started having what I think are laryngospasms in her throat.   It is like she gets choked up (even with her trach), she gets horribly uncomfortable with tears, and extra saliva comes out of her mouth.   These have lasted anywhere from 10 seconds to about a minute or so.   And they seem to come in spurts as well — 2 or 3 within a 30-minute period and then we could go a half day without another one.

Truth is, I don’t really know if they ARE laryngospasms or some kind of problem with reflux (even though she is already on 15 mg twice a day of prevacid).

They are really hard to watch.  She is so miserable and affected physically by these spells.   We have never had to watch Hannah suffer through something like this before (outside of her hospitalization).

We are thinking that maybe because the Klonopin is a muscle relaxer that she was able to avoid these spasms (if that is what they are) because it controlled that?

We decided to bring her back up to 2.0 mL three times a day, which was the last dose she was stable at.   When we see Dr. Sanger at Children’s Hospital L.A. in a couple of weeks, hopefully he can give us some insight into the use of Klonopin, her movement disorder, and help us determine what type of event (spasm, cramp, pain, etc.) she is having.


  1. so sorry to hear that she is uncomfortable with those spasms!! Jessica was never on it for her seizures(another use for Klonipin), but I am assuming that those were not withdrawal symptoms?? I hope the doctor visit gives lots of good info and know that we are thinking of you from HOT Texas & praying for you in HOT Nevada!!!

  2. ((hugs)) for Hannah.

  3. Sorry Hannah!feel better. J gets similar events but her upper lip quivers also, which we diagnosed as a petit mal seizure. Did you get a chance to record it so you can show the doctor?

  4. susan Mcfeely says:

    Sorry to hear that Hannah is going thru such discomfort. I do hope that the Doctor in LA will be able to give you some help and answers to what may be causing this. Give Hannah bigs hughs for me and I hope she feels better!
