One year hospital free!

As I am watching Hannah sleep in her bed next to mine, with her humidified trach collar going full force, I am in love with my little amazing fighter.

It was last July 18th, 2010, that Hannah was released from the hospital for the last time.   With the exception of ER visits for multiple bouts of trachiitis for which she was never admitted, she has not had a hospital admission in 365 days.  One year!

Do you have any clue how absolutely amazing it is that a child like Hannah, with all her medical complications, has been able to stay out of the hospital for an entire year?

She truly blows me away.  Her fight, her drive, her smile.  She is so extraordinary.

There is a part of me that fears talking about this because I might jinx it.

But you know what, no matter what happens from here on out, nothing can take away the fact that Hannah has fought to keep herself out of the hospital for an entire year.   Nothing.  It is hers.   She owns that amazing feat!


  1. You and Robert get to take ownership in that feat as well!!! Hannah is amazing, but you are amazing parents as well! I am so proud to call you my friend!

  2. susan Mcfeely says:

    Hannah is truly an AMAZING child. She is indeed a FIGHTER!!! Not to mention that she has two simply outstanding parents and the greatest brother and sister in the world!!!

    Our prayers and thoughts are always with you.



  3. Stacey Troxtel says:

    Enjoy this amazing accomplishment. It is a great thing when you don’t have to spend time in the hospital. Keep up the great work and Congrats.

  4. Kelly says:

    Yea for Hannah!! That’s a great accomplishment and a tribute to your fabulous parenting and advocating for your daughter. Way to go!!