Welcome Pink Rider

After many months of waiting, Hannah’s stroller-wheelchair is finally here!

It is the Otto Bock Kimba Spring, and it is a work horse!   It offers her so much support and comfort that she was able to sit in it and play for two hours collectively on the second day we had it!   Definitely custom made for her dimensions because everything fits her perfectly (so far!).

Also, Hannah has the distinction of being the first child in Las Vegas to own the pink model.   Yep, they just brought out the pink in the last few months as an option.   When we ordered this back in March or April, we only had the choice of green or orange with the grey.   Then we got the call about a month later asking if we wanted to change to pink since it had just come available, and I was like, “Hell ya!”

Hannah looks so tiny in it.   I didn’t realize how wide this was going to be!   I’m so glad that we got the house with the really open floor plan because we would have had a lot of trouble maneuvering her in our old house with this.

Kimber Spring, Orange

This stroller-wheelchair, now lovingly dubbed “The Pink Rider”, is going to become a heavily used piece of equipment in our house.   The days of always having to hold Hannah and carrying her everywhere are over.  The days of spending all day on the floor or on a lap are over.   She is just too heavy to keep doing this, and besides, it isn’t good for her either.    Now, she will be able to sit independently (without being held), play with her toys on her tray, and spend most of her time off the floor and in the chair.

We knew the day would come where Hannah would need a wheelchair.  That day is here.


  1. Marsha Biller says:

    So awesome for Hannah! That is wonderful news. Thanks so much for sharing. Bless your family Carrie. I think of you often.

  2. She looks so happy and content! Yay for the pink!!!!

  3. That looks so comfortable for her and it will be so helpful to you. An absolute win-win for everyone. I think it’s cool that it’s not only functional but pretty, too. 🙂 yay for Hannah!

  4. Wow, what a wonderful invention! Just what you ALL needed:) And she looks so pretty in pink:)

  5. Awesome news!

  6. Awe, you got the pink one?! Jealous 🙂
    This is the best stroller ever!so happy for Hannah!

  7. Maureen says:

    That is awesome!

    Not to be negative, but the first though I had when I saw the picture of Hannah was “Why are her feet dangling and not on the foot rest?” Can you (or her therapist) adjust the foot plate up? Or put a box on it so her feet rest on that? (I won’t go into all of the reasons it is better to have a person’s feet resting on a foot rest vs hanging in space, particularly for extended amounts of time on a regular basis).

    But at any rate, congrats!