The mysterious bump

Two days ago, Hannah’s nurse noticed a little bump under her left armpit when she was giving her a bath.    You have to feel for it, but you can touch it, and it seems to move a bit.   It doesn’t hurt her when you touch it either.

Yesterday morning, this bump was clearly visible without having to look for it.   Still didn’t seem to hurt her, but it was concerning enough to me that I brought her in to our pediatrician in the afternoon.

She commented how it seemed “cystic” in nature, and how it wasn’t inflamed, red, or hot to the touch.  It actually was almost slightly bluish-greyish.   It was about 2 inches lower than where the lymph nodes are located.

All I kept thinking was “when does Hannah get a break?”

Because our pediatrician wasn’t exactly sure what it was, Hannah is scheduled for a left breast ultrasound on Monday to have it checked out.   I’m hoping, hoping, hoping it is something completely benign like a cyst or a blood vessel.  It just has to be!

Monday just can’t get here soon enough!


  1. Michele says:

    Cysts are pretty common, my nephew had one on his knee that got fairly large – golf ball size. It didn’t hurt, it just looked unappealing. The Dr. gave my sister the option of surgery to remove it or time to see if it would go away. My sister opted for the later and it went away on its own.

    Anyway I hope it is just something like that, you guys don’t need any more on your plate.

    Thinking of you.

  2. Hoping that it’s just a nothing lump!

  3. Danielle had a swollen lymph node a year ago or so. It was under her arm pit but lower, like where a bra line would be. The dr. said to watch it, and it went away in a week or two. She also has lymph nodes along her spine (seen on CT) that cause her no problem. Small percentage of Gaucher patients may experience. I’m thinking it’s probably like you said – a nothing lump, and will keep you all in our prayers!

  4. All for the “nothing lump” Carrie!!! Hoping & praying!!

  5. When does Hannah AND her mommy get a break?! Yeesh! Fingers crossed for the “nothing lump”. Life is never boring, huh? I miss ya! 🙂

  6. Kelly says:

    Praying for the best possible news on the lump!

  7. Stupid lump go away!leave sweet Hannah alone!

  8. Susan Mcfeely says:

    Hoping and praying that its A NOTHING BUMP! God please give this poor child a break and not to mention her loving family some peace of mind!