Remember back in January when I wrote THIS LETTER in support of the Ryan Dant bill? Well, the HR number has changed, but the importance of this bill has not.
Please, please, please just take a moment to send this letter off either via snail mail or email to your local congress and senators. It is so very important!!
Read more about the bill here:
Dear Gaucher Community:
I would like to make you aware of a piece of legislation that not only affects the Gaucher population, but individuals with other rare diseases.
On April 9, 2008, Congressman Kenny Marchant (R-TX), introduced H.R. 5748, the Ryan Dant Healthcare Opportunity Act of 2008. This Bill is named for a constituent, Ryan Dant, who is in Congressman Marchant’s district and suffers from an extremely rare congenital disease. Ryan’s prescription drug costs are close to $500,000.00 annually. Ryan will soon exhaust the lifetime maximum of his private healthcare insurance. When this happens, he will have no choice but to enroll in the Medicaid program for the duration of his life, so that his lifesaving medication will be covered. This will greatly limit his earning capacity.
H.R. 5748 provides an alternative to individuals facing a similar situation, by allowing a Medicaid state option that would permit individuals to be released from the qualifying earnings restrictions. This legislation would apply only to individuals who pay more than $250,000.00 per year in prescription drug costs and have exhausted at least $1,000,000.00 in private insurance coverage.
As with any piece of legislation, it takes the efforts of thousands of individuals to bring it to fruition. The National Gaucher Foundation is committed to doing everything possible to see H.R. 5748 passed.
I am asking you to please join with me and Mark Dant, Ryan’s father, in mobilizing our forces. I have always been so proud of how the Gaucher community pulls together to not only help each other, but others in need as well. Inside, you will find sample letters and contact numbers for both your Legislators and members serving on the Health Sub-Committee. I urge you to please contact these individuals, as well as, distribute this information to anyone you know who could assist us. Time is of the essence! We need to move on this as quickly as possible!
Rhonda P. Buyers
Ceo/Executive Director
National Gaucher Foundation
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