Archives for May 2009

Sly Syndrome: Delivering Medicine To Fight Rare Genetic Disorder

ScienceDaily (July 27, 2007) — The scientist who discovered “Sly Syndrome” nearly four decades ago and a team of colleagues at Saint Louis University are a step closer to finding an approach to treat the rare genetic disease. Sly Syndrome causes bone defects, mental retardation, vision and hearing problems, heart disease and premature death.

They found that a potentially life-saving enzyme can be induced to cross the blood-brain barrier, a structure which protects the brain from foreign substances, if it is given with the hormone epinephrine.

Ever since William S. Sly, M.D., chairman of the department of biochemistry and molecular biology at Saint Louis University, discovered the rare genetic disease in 1969, he and his colleagues have conducted research to learn more about how to treat it.

He says their recent findings have significance beyond treating the extremely rare disease that bears his name.

“There are at most 100 living cases of Sly Syndrome. Nonetheless, this disease is a model for all the diseases in this group, some of which are much more common,” Sly says.

“Lysosomal storage diseases affect 1 in 7,000 live births, and 90 percent of those with the diseases have brain involvement. What we find with Sly Syndrome has some importance for all those diseases as well. It is potentially a big finding and an important first step.”

The discovery potentially points to a new way to get big molecules, such as certain medications, across the blood-brain barrier. It is reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences online early edition the week of July 16.

SLU researchers found that the right amount of epinephrine probably works by stimulating transport by vesicles — blister-like wrappers that carry substances across the blood-brain barrier – so that the enzyme missing in patients who have Sly Syndrome can get into the brain.

Those who have Sly Syndrome lack the enzyme called beta-glucuronidase. Without this enzyme, protein-sugar molecules accumulate in the brain and other organs in the body. By replacing the missing enzyme, doctors believe they can treat the genetic disease.

The problem, though, was slipping the enzyme past the blood-brain barrier to where it needs to do its work.

“This is a disease that is simply made for testing drug delivery vehicles. If you can get the enzyme into the brain, the vehicle that delivered it could work to deliver other chemicals, too,” says William A. Banks, M.D., professor of geriatrics and pharmacological and physiological sciences at Saint Louis University, and a leading researcher on the blood-brain barrier.

Sly Syndrome, which occurs in fewer than one in 100,000 births, is a progressive disorder that ranges in severity from mild to deadly. It is among a group of genetic diseases call mucopolysaccharidoses.

“Some children who have this group of diseases are doomed to an early death because they don’t make a certain enzyme,” Banks says.

Enzyme replacement therapy — or putting the missing enzyme into the bodies of those who have Sly Syndrome — holds promise in treating the physical problems of the disease.

“In the case of Sly Syndrome, the missing enzyme is more than 1,000 larger than a sugar molecule and so huge it can’t get across the blood-brain barrier, which prevents it from reaching the brain.”

Scientists used a mouse model to figure out how to get the enzyme into the brain. They knew that injections of the missing enzyme into the brains of baby mice reached their target, but similar injections into mature mice did not. As the mice grew older, the transporter that brought the enzyme past the protective blood-brain barrier was lost.

“We found that the right amount of epinephrine allowed the enzyme to pass into the brain of older mice, which means we reinduced the way to get the enzyme where it is needed,” Banks says.

Epinephrine is a drug that treats cardiac arrest and is given to open the airways of asthma patients who have difficulty breathing. Discovering epinephrine as the transportation key to unlock the blood-brain barrier for the missing enzyme was “a shot in the dark,” Banks says.

 “High doses of epinephrine can destroy the blood brain barrier and let everything into the brain, which is toxic,” Banks says. “We tested three things. One didn’t work at all. One worked partially and epinephrine worked incredibly well.”

The finding changes how scientists look at getting medications through the blood-brain barrier, he says, and could have implications for treating other diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and obesity.

Instead of viewing the blood-brain barrier as an obstacle to fight, researchers should consider it something to finesse, using its special features to help in drug delivery, Banks adds.

“The field has approached the problem as if you have a Volkswagen that can get across the street and you put your cargo on it so the cargo can get there too. We’ve found that trying to transport the cargo changes the Volkswagen and the Volkswagen can no longer get across.”

The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health, The Sanfilippo Syndrome Medical Research Foundation and VA Merit Review.

Interview with Genzyme Horizon’s Reporter

Genzymes Horizon Newsletter

Genzyme's Horizon Newsletter

I had my first official interview regarding Hannah and Gaucher’s 2/3 Friday afternoon.

A reporter from Genzyme’s (the people who make Cerezyme, Hannah’s enzyme replacement therapy) called to get “Hannah’s story” for their upcoming newsletter, Horizons.   This newsletter will go out to the entire Gaucher community (types 1, 2, and 3), clinicians, etc. 

It was a very easy process, as the reporter was very genuinely interested and easy to talk to.  He explained the first part of the article will be an explanation of GD23, and the second part would be about Hannah and our fight for her.

What was most interesting (but not surprising to say the least), the reporter admitted that this is the first GD23 story that he has done.  I have a feeling that it is possibly the first GD23 story to be in one of their newsletters! 

I don’t think Genzyme was trying to shy away from GD23, but GD1 is really all that has been touched on in their previous newsletters.  Like with so many other Gaucher type 1 families (95% are type 1), our form of the disease is kind of like the “forgotten” type of Gaucher’s since there are so few of us.  But Genzyme has really been awesome in trying to help me connect with other families and in trying to get our story out there.

The reporter is going to send me a copy of it before it goes to print.  I really hope it gets people’s attention to realize that our children (Hannah and the other GD23 kids) are fighting a losing battle right now, and that we really need their help to save our children’s lives!

Meeting with a Parkinson’s Neurologist

Dr. William Ondo

Dr. William Ondo, Associate Director of the Parkinson Disease Center at Baylor, Houston

About a month ago, I sent an email to the Baylor Department of Neurology’s Parkinson’s group asking if I could meet with one of their clinicians to have Hannah’s symptoms evaluated.  I explained that Hannah has neuronopathic Gaucher’s disease, and I wanted to talk with someone regarding the possible commonalities between the two diseases.

Yesterday afternoon, I got a phone call from the scheduler for this department saying that Dr. William Ondo, Associate Director of the Parkinson Disease Center and Movement Disorders Clinic is willing to consult with us and evaluate Hannah!   Because she is a patient at Texas Children’s Hospital (Baylor’s pediatric hospital), all of her records and patient information was already accessible to him.

We meet with him in early July, right before we leave for NIH.  The timing for this appointment is actually perfect, even though it is about 5 or 6 weeks away because it gives me more time to learn more about the disease processes of Gauchers and Parkinson’s.

Toy Shopping for Hannah

After meeting with the occupational therapist this week and watching Hannah playing with her toys, I realize that we need to get her some more “advanced” toys for her birthday in July.  All of the ones she has are very, very basic, and that she is ready for some more interactive toys that will help her develop her fine and gross motor skills. 

So I went shopping on Toys R Us online tonight, and I went through at least 600 to 700 toys.  Out of all of those, I only found 11 toys that I thought would be really beneficial and helpful to Hannah.  That is it!  Of course, I am no therapist, so I’m hoping that some of my special needs moms can share their opinions on these toys.   I put them all together on a list, so I can do some more research into these.  If you have any familiarity with these, please do share your thoughts, good and bad!

Hannah’s lack of blinking reflex

When we went to see Hannah’s ENT doctor a week or so ago, we were in the elevator on the way down, and one of the doctors going down said “Hey, your daughter doesn’t blink.”   He didn’t say it in a concerned way, just more like he found it somewhat amusing that she kept her eyes wide open the entire way down. 

So I had experimented with her for the rest of the afternoon.  Sure enough, she can go for over 10+ minutes without blinking.  I got tired of watching at that point!  She isn’t having a seizure or anything, as she just goes about her day when this happens, playing with toys, drinking a bottle, taking a walk, etc.  She has no problems interacting and has no changes in her personality when this happens.  We also have no idea when this started because we had never noticed it before!

She will close her eyes if you touch her eyelash, and when she gets tired she will close her eyes (most of the way) to sleep. 

So we shared this at our pediatrician visit, and he was just amazed at this symptom.   So we now give her eye drops a couple of times a day to make sure her eyes are lubricated.

This is where it gets very interesting…

I asked Dr. Sidransky at the NIH about this new symptom, and her response was “That is very interesting and not typical of the eye movements in type 3 GD. It will be interesting to see what our neuro ophthalmologist thinks!

I did some research into this, and you know what disease lack of blinking is a symptom of?   PARKINSON’S DISEASECheck it out, 1st on this list from MedicinePlus Encyclopedia/NIH.  You can NOT tell me that these two diseases do not have a definite commonality of some sort in their disease process!  

Hannah, who has a never-before-seen genetic mutation of neuronopathic Gaucher’s disease, has developed a symptom that is not a symptom of her Gaucher’s disease but IS a symptom of Parkinson’s disease, the very same disease that last week a 10-year-study and a second study solidifed the genetic link between the two diseases

There is a VERY STRONG connection here!!   Something that DESERVES to be looked at!  Hannah and the other GD23 children truly MAY hold a key to understanding Parkinson’s disease, yet we can’t seem to get them to notice! 

NIH Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases Program

The need and opportunity for Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases (TRND) are enormous. Of the 7,000 human diseases, fewer than 300 are of interest to the biopharmaceutical industry, due to limited prevalence and/or commercial potential. More than 6,000 of these diseases are rare (defined by the Orphan Drug Act as <200,000 U.S. prevalence), and the remainder are neglected because they affect impoverished or disenfranchised populations. Researchers have now defined the genetic basis of more than 2,000 rare diseases and identified potential drug targets for many rare and neglected diseases (RND).

TRND received $24 million in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) budget for fiscal year 2009. TRND is a collaborative drug discovery and development program with governance and oversight provided by the Office of Rare Diseases Research (ORDR). Program operations will be within the intramural research program adjacent to the NIH Chemical Genomics Center (NCGC) and will be administered by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI).


Frequently Asked Questions
TRND (PDF – 30)
Rare Diseases (PDF – 21KB)
Neglected Diseases (PDF – 36KB)


TRND Press Release (PDF – 80KB)