Hannah’s 2nd Happy Holiday!

One of the gift’s of keeping a journal like this is being able to go back in time and see what you were thinking and feeling like at Hannah’s first Christmas.

There were just a few times during the past few days that I think about what we have in store for us in the next few weeks. It scares me to death. I just have absolutely no clue what to expect. No clue what direction we will be going in. Argh!! Just thinking about it now is pissing me off.

At that time, the leading diagnosis possibility was Niemann Pick type C, but we really had no clue what we were dealing with or what we would be in store for.   Heck, we weren’t even sure, given the list of their leading possibilities, that Hannah would even have a second Christmas!  Wow, how far we have come in one year — not only is she still here, she is doing really well despite her challenges!

Santa and Hannah’s grandparents bought Hannah lots of great toys including a toy piano, Fisher Price Learn and Grow farm,  ride-on-me Mickey Mouse, some soft blocks and soft balls/rings, and more.   Even though she couldn’t open the toys on her own, her big brother and big sister loved helping her out.

It was a great, great day.  Last year, I couldn’t enjoy the day because of the “unknown.”  I do admit now that now that I know, it was much easier to enjoy the day!

Here are some pictures…


  1. <3 <3 <3

  2. What a beautiful x-mas morning! 🙂
    .-= Cristina´s last blog ..Video of Bertrand on week 6 of the ketogenic diet =-.

  3. It has been awhile since I visited again but I just wanted you to know that I am with you in prayers and that I want to encourage you to keep holding on to your faith in God c: kisses to little Hannah c: Merry Christmas and a hope filled New Year to you and your family c:

  4. I’m so glad you guys had a wonderful Christmas… It is amazing the difference since last year. The wonder in her face and the joy of all your children is so touching. Happy New Year!
    .-= Petula´s last blog ..Dear… =-.