Today was Hannah’s infusion day downtown. After another night of very little sleep (maybe 4-1/2 hours), I was able to get the kids on the bus for school and drove downtown to TCH for her infusion.
Of course, on this day, it was raining. What is normally a 1-hour drive to the Infusion Center turned out to be a bit over 2 hours thanks to the traffic. Hannah threw two tantrums towards the end of the drive, once in the middle of the dead-stopped freeway, of which I was trying to figure out how I am going to stop the car, get out, and calm her down. Finally, some part of the Mickey Mouse DVD caught her eye (second time watching it this morning), and she calmed herself down. The second time was in the parking lot of TCH.
But we made it.
We went through our normal routine of getting the IV done, throwing a tantrum because she is just in that kind of mood still, and getting her Cerezyme flowing through her body (600 units). Yay! Like usual, she falls asleep shortly after the infusion starts.
When she sleeps on me, I usually play on my phone or watch the TV that is there. I must have dozed off during her infusion holding her because I woke up, and we were both covered with a blanket! Apparently I had fallen asleep for over an hour, and the nurses just “tucked us in” (as she called it). I can’t believe I slept so long there!
I do admit, I felt better after that nap. However, I did go to the TCH food area and got a Diet Mountain Dew for the ride home.
Two more nights until Daddy is home!
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